The source of my inspiration is existence itself. I am, among other things, interested in spirituality, philosophy and metaphysics, not so much in a scholarly way, but rather based on experience and daily life.
My art is a tribute to the essence of being, to which I refer to as ‘being’ of being, which, in my opinion, can not be found in the realm of cognition. Through introspection, intuition, imagination and artistic expression I try to stay aware of the alive connection with that very essence. Each day I’m learning to rely more on that essence in which the capability to express life in an artistic way exists.
Note that an anagram of ‘being’ is ‘begin’. In a way I consider myself a constant beginner, because every new work has its own, newly requiered approach; I don’t rely on formulas, but I do discover procedures I can follow through. There will, however, always be that spontaneous moment, which gives a new direction to a work and which may lead to new projects. Of course, through the years, I built up expertise in my own line of work.
I think that a true work of art is like a religious icon, a presence of essence.., religious in the sense of: re-linking existence with the essence of being.., which, by the way, has nothing to do with religious denominations whatsoever, that only exist in the realm of cognition. The effort to produce such artworks would fail in the very effort itself, but when the artist is not in the way, something wondrous can happen.